
In Yoga sutra 1.20, Patanjali describes the characteristics of the yogi. The main requirement is faith. Faith in the path, faith in Ishvara. Sometimes, oftentimes, we walk the path without knowing whence it leads. Faith is what keeps us on the path regardless.


In hatha yoga, inverted postures are recommended during the hot months of the year. In the subtle anatomy of yoga, when we raise the pelvis above the forehead, the moon is above the sun. Moon’s cooling nectar drips down to cool the sun’s heat. Shitali pranayama is a cooling addition to a summertime practice. AUM


Masterpeace looks like an interesting project. There is a nice mini-documentary called “Music above Fighting”, which has just been published.  Maybe you would like to get involved?  I would like to offer concerts for peace, consisting of kirtan and gentle music.  Anyone interested?  Drop me a comment.  AUM

Beginnner's yoga class – Yoga para principiantes

This Wednesday, we are starting a new beginner’s hathayoga class at Prana in Benidorm. We will meet once per week, from 09:00-09:45. The class is full already, but keep it in mind for mid-May if you feel like dipping a toe in the water…
Empezamos una nueva clase de hathayoga a partir de éste miércoles. Quedamos una vez a la semana en Prana, Benidorm, de 09:00-09:45. La clase ya está llena, pero tenla en cuenta por mitad de mayo si se animan para probar el yoga…

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Sorry to abuse my yoga page with thoughts about massage. For me, the two go hand in hand. I have been working lately with magnesium therapy and hot stone massage. I have used Bishofit for the past two years, and stones for the past 8 months. And lately, I have begun using them together. My routine is: 1º apply Bishofit to virgin skin (before oil, I mean). 2ª Apply hot stones to focus zones. 3º massage another area, leaving heat and magnesium to penetrate. 4º return to first area, remove stones and massage with oil using hands or other hot stones. This seems to work very well in that the heat opens and the magnesium penetrates, helping to release tension before the manual work. This means less force is needed, and we work more within the comfort zone of the client. Have fun!

The human revolution

Strikes are so last century.  The real revolution has nothing to do with banks, contracts or the cost of petrol.  The real revolution is already underway, within each person who takes the time to practice, breathe, study and believe. The Human Revolution is the only exciting or incendiary thing that is happening here and now.  AUM