New group yoga class in Altea!

I have now fixed a time for a new group yoga class in Altea.  Thursday mornings from 10AM.  The address:  2, C/Vora la Via, 2ºk.  It is very near the Post Office of Altea.   Individual classes:  €7 per student, 10 classes prepaid:  €65,(IVA included.)  See you there!?


In Yoga sutra 1.20, Patanjali describes the characteristics of the yogi. The main requirement is faith. Faith in the path, faith in Ishvara. Sometimes, oftentimes, we walk the path without knowing whence it leads. Faith is what keeps us on the path regardless.

Glimpses of the eternal

Yoga is an experiential science. There are plenty of books about yogic techniques, but it can only be learned and internalized by practice. Whenever I give a class, I try to reach that moment of expansive stillness that offers us a glimpse of the eternal.  I usually do a savasana mid-class, then sing or chant mantra.  The changing (prakriti) gives way to the stillness of silence and I can feel that wonderful ephemeral relaxation descend upon the group.  I gently ease back into movement, first observing the mind, inviting it to remain present for the rest of the practice, before doing some gentle pranic postures, like apanasana or dvipada-pitham with bandhas, before sitting for pranayama.  It’s just my way of constructing a class, my humble offering. AUM.

Beginnner's yoga class – Yoga para principiantes

This Wednesday, we are starting a new beginner’s hathayoga class at Prana in Benidorm. We will meet once per week, from 09:00-09:45. The class is full already, but keep it in mind for mid-May if you feel like dipping a toe in the water…
Empezamos una nueva clase de hathayoga a partir de éste miércoles. Quedamos una vez a la semana en Prana, Benidorm, de 09:00-09:45. La clase ya está llena, pero tenla en cuenta por mitad de mayo si se animan para probar el yoga…

Eco Altea

Hey! Eco Altea was fine, although I was nursing a head cold. I offered two yoga classes on Sunday afternoon, both well-attended.
Hola! Eco Altea fue un éxito no obstante el resfriado que me agarró por la nariz! Dirigí dos clases de yoga el domingo por la tarde, ambas bien llenitas.

Eres divino!

Una parte fundamental de la filósofia del yoga que yo conozco es la existencia de Isvara, ó sea, La Conciencia Universal Pura.  Cuando limpiamos la mente, limpiamos el  aparato con lo que nuestra conciencia personal pura, purusha, percibe el mundo .  Central a nuestra teoría es la idea que cada ser humano lleva dentro de si una chispa de la Conciencia Universal Pura. Por lo cual, cada persona es divino.
No lo olvidaís!  Sois divinos!

The yoga of patience, part II

Patience is a quality associated with the root chakra, the Muladhara chakra.  The root chakra is associated with the element Earth.  Earth changes slowly and deliberately.  I’ve never seen a rock looking at a clock!
As I began to write yesterday, patience has an element of faith in the unknown.  When we are impatient, we allow the intellect and the ego to (attempt to) determine our course . We don’t tend to wait and see…we manipulate and cajole in order to secure our chosen outcome.
When one has faith, it’s easier to have patience.  In Yoga Sutra 1.19-1.20, Patanjali describes the two types of aspirants, characterizing the majority as requiring faith, as well as other characteristics.  When there is a deep faith in the course one is following, patience naturally follows.  Why rush? one thinks, my time will come.
Indeed it will.  Have faith, be patient, still your mind and follow your course.  Be true to your heart and your intuition. If in doubt, be kind and don’t fear, wait and see what happens. It will probably be better than you imagined.  Faith.  Patience.