Yoga teaches me that what this world needs is more love, not more flexible bodies.
Yoga teaches me that postures linked to breath are part of a path, but the path leads to compassion and comprehension, not contortion or competition.
Yoga teaches me that when we undo the knots and become soft, we can learn to love without asking to be loved in kind. Yoga teaches me that we don’t lose anything by doing this – it is a safe practice, once we truly arrive at the place where this is possible, rather than forcing the practice by spiritual bypass.
Yoga teaches me to know myself deeply, profoundly, intimately. Yoga teaches me to let go of the shame I feel about showing who I really am. Yoga teaches me that when I do so, the anger also evaporates because it no longer serves. It was just the tool I used to protect myself from the shame of showing my true self. On guard!
Yoga teaches me that there are many people who are on the path who may be bendy but are still angry and/or ashamed. Yoga teaches me that this is okay, that I may be one of these people and not know it, but if I am lucky enough not to be, then I can shine that good fortune out and be patient and encouraging, not critical.