The human revolution

Strikes are so last century.  The real revolution has nothing to do with banks, contracts or the cost of petrol.  The real revolution is already underway, within each person who takes the time to practice, breathe, study and believe. The Human Revolution is the only exciting or incendiary thing that is happening here and now.  AUM


Sometimes, when a new client comes in for their first massage, there is a bit of nervousness.  Will they judge me?  Will they act strangely?  Massage is a deeply intimate, private act and it leaves little room for fakery.  Suddenly, it occurred to me that it is an act of great trust and faith for a new client to come to see a masseur.  To disrobe, lay one’s body down, close one’s eyes, lower the level of vigilance.  So, to all my clients, new and long-known, I say thank you for trusting me. 

Friday mornings, 9:30AM

If you want to practice yoga and you live around Altea, why not come down to my new morning class?  In a light and airy 4th floor room, on the very very first line of the Cap Negret beach, the sound of the waves bathes your ears.  You breath in the freshest salt air and cleanse your lungs from within.  Hathayoga, pranayama, mantra.  Nominal charge of €5.00 (one hour class).  AUM.

Kings and Queens

Here in Spain we are taking a day off to celebrate the arrival of the Three Kings in Bethlehem.  Bearing gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense, they came the rejoice in the birth of the baby Jesus.  Whatever your take on modern-day Christianity, Jesus did some pretty cool stuff in his time.  My friend Joel Gazdar, of the Wild Food Café in London posted this on FB a few days ago:

Christmas: Celebrating an unmarried teenage mom giving birth in a stable, to a baby who grew up to be a prominent activist for peace, playfulness, laughter, love, liberation, appreciation and beyond-capitalist values; who preferred the company of honest prostitutes to that of the religious and political elite; who partook in joy-filled, ecstatic, radical direct action in transcending the banking system, and was publicly executed as an enemy of state. My prayer today is in: Celebrating that this wisdom within guide all who call themselves Christians, or any other illusory label or limitation in this world.

This day of the Three Kings, I urge you to honour and venerate the king – or queen – you carry within. We are all born noble and beautiful. Throughout our lives, we carry the light of illumination within our spiritual heart – Hridaya. We can dull our light with ego and illusion, but it never stops burning, with hope and persistence, as long as our heart beats and out lungs draw air.
Yoga is a practice that allows us to believe in, then perceive, and then polish our inner light. When I began practicing yoga, I had no idea that inside myself I carried such beauty. In fact, I didn’t have a very high opinion of myself at all. I judged myself so harshly – the inner and outer me – that I wept often, crying out in pain and frustration at the brutal futility of life. Or, seeming brutal futility. Because that light was glowing within me even if I could not see it. It manifested in many ways, but I had been trained to see these manifestations of loving compassion as something negative. I judged myself as weak, emotional, tearful…unrealistic.
But from the darkest night, the sweetest dawn. From the thickest mud blooms the rose-hued lotus. That gnawing resentment of the state of the world hammered at me, pushed me forward, forced me to find solutions. Our suffering is our friend. As Patanjali says in YS II.23 “svasvamisktyoh svarupopalabdhihetuh samyoga”, which is translated by TKV Desikachar as “however powerful or disturbing something may appear to be, it is our reaction to it that determines its effects…”  This means that every time we suffer, it is really an opportunity to practice distinguishing between the observer (our inner light, our purusha) and the observed (the changing material world, the prakriti).  Because I suffered, I found yoga.
Yoga has helped me see my inner light, to polish it, and to keep it as a sacred part of myself.  Of course I am still dogged by my ego, my stupidity.  But I don’t suffer as much because I know and believe that the inner light shines bright and constant within me, and that I, and everyone, every single person, is blessed with this light.  This is your inner King, your inner Queen.  Honour and love him or her.  Celebrate his or her arrival.  Accept the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  Rejoice and be happy.  Share you happiness with someone else and soon we will all be free.  AUM.


Estoy encantada poder contribuir a esa fantástica noche de gongs con Shanti.  Voy a introducir mantras para el segundo chakra y también llevar la práctica de yoga por la mañana.  Om.  Gracias al Universo.
El día 11-11-11 las nuevas energías de la época de Acuario y de la quinta dimensión bajaran a la Tierra – se abrirá el Portal Divino.

¡Hemos empezado el viaje hacia el 2012! Se nota en dos sentidos, los dos llegando a los extremos. Donde sigues el sentido de tu alma, se va abriendo y aumentando, experimentas las dimensiones que nunca antes has experimentado. Te dan alegría, paz, esperanza y éxtasis Divino. Y por otro lado todavía toca retirar los patrones antiguos que no te sirven ni a ti ni a tu entorno. Por allí estas experimentando “la muerte” de lo viejo.

El día 11-11-11 nos trae un regalo. ¡La puerta, que todavía esta recogiendo las energías potentes, se abrirá! A la tierra bajará una cascada de energías cósmicas, y experimentaras la ducha energética a nivel celular, afectará a tu ADN, tu dimensión física y todo tu ser. Los puentes con la consciencia vieja se quemarán para siempre.

Permite que las energías del Portal Divino bajen a la Tierra a través de tu sagrado ser.

Utiliza este momento para transformar tu vida porque este año nos esta regalando las noches sagradas con mucha generosidad. La segunda noche sagrada será el 11. de Noviembre 2011, cuando – a través del agua – podremos permitir que las energías del Portal Divino entren en nuestra consciencia.

El agua cambia su estructura cristalina según las vibraciones a las cuales está expuesta. Por esto queremos activar el agua en nuestro cuerpo con el ritual de beber agua cristalizada en el proceso de tocar los cuencos de cuarzo.

Cristal de agua de “AMOR” (trabajo de Masaru Emoto).

Los gongs, los cuencos de cuarzo y la voz de corazón del equipo del SONIDO UNIVERSAL con la maestra Shanti, te invita a que camines una parte de tu camino con nosotros, unido al SONIDO UNIVERSAL. A través del sonidos de gongs y de cuencos de cuarzo, llenados con agua, te guiará a nuevas dimensiones, donde el espacio y el tiempo simplemente desaparecen, donde viajas tu propio viaje por el arco iris del sonido sagrado.
Debido a las plazas limitadas por favor reserva tu plaza ahora con respuesta a este correo o envía un sms al 638304867 con tu nombre y el número de personas que quieren reservar.
¿Preguntas? Llámame!  6383 048 67
Viernes, 11 de Noviembre 2011, a las 21.30, en EL CARMEN, Campello
actividad sagrada
22.00 – 22.30
ritual con bendición del agua (cada uno trae un vaso de agua sagrada y la pone en uno de los cuencos de cuarzo)
22.30 – 23.00
música de instrumentos de lluvia, de agua, tambores, flauta de Indios Americanos, movimiento libre, liberando tu cuerpo sagrado
23.00 – 5.30
baño con gongs y cuencos de cuarzo, llenos del agua sagrada de los participantes
5.30 – 6.00
movimiento para despertar, masaje de los puntos de estimular el segundo chakra – chakra del agua
ritual con bendición del agua cantando mantras, beber agua sagrada de los cuencos
6.00 – 6.30
reunión sagrada, compartir experiencia
6.30 – 7.00
infusión, te, café, fruta, agua

Por favor traed:
  • cojines y mantas para tu propia comodidad (hay colchones para dormir)
  • ropa cómoda (por favor sin perfumes)
  • taza para te o café
  • agua para beber (preferible en botella de cristal)
  • fotos de vuestros seres queridos que no puedan asistir
  • objetos sagrados para absorber las vibraciones puras
  • tu propia agua sagrada en un vaso de cristal tapado (puedes bendecirla y transformar su forma cristalina con las palabras de intención positiva, escritas y pegadas en el vaso unos días antes de noche 11-11-11)
El grupo esta limitado a 35 personas. 

Inversión:  33 euros (lo menos posible para una noche entera,para que todos puedan participar)

Fecha: el Viernes, 11 de Noviembre 2011, a las 21.30

Lugar: Centro EL CARMEN, Campello

Debido a las plazas limitadas por favor reserva tu plaza ahora con
la  respuesta a este correo, o envía un sms al 638304867 con tu nombre y el número de personas que quieren reservar.
¿Preguntas? Llamame!  6383 048 67
Por favor confirma la reserva de tu plaza  lo antes posible con el pago en la cuenta: 2077-1023-83-1600223994, Bankia, titular Spelca Morojna.


Gracias por co-crear.

Con mucho amor


PS: El Sábado pasado hemos empezado el nuevo curso ARTE Y SANACION CON GONGS Y CUENCOS DE CUARZO. Si quieres, todavía puedes juntarte con el grupo maravilloso que se ha creado y que después del curso puede tocar en los eventos sagrados. ¡Bienvenidos!
Quería darte las gracias por haberme dado la oportunidad de participar en una noche tan especial  y por otro lado felicitarte, creo que el concierto fue todo un éxito, en todos los sentidos, gracias a tu gran fuerza, energía y tesón.
Un fuerte abrazo,


I am delighted to have been invited by Shanti to participate in the 11.11.11 Divine Portal Opening.  I will introduce mantras associated with the Water element and the second chakra, as well as lead the morning yoga and bodywork.  Om

On 11-11-11 new energies of Aquarius and the fifth dimension are coming to the Earth – the Divine Portal is opening.
The journey towards 2012 has begun! We are noticing it in two ways, experiencing both to the extreme. When you are following the path of your soul, your way is opening and you grow experiencing dimensions that you haven’t experience before. You feel joy, peace, hope and Divine extasy. On the other hand, we have to remove the old patterns which don’t serve us and our surrounding anymore. This is where we are experiencing “the death” of the old.
The day of 11-11-11 is bringing us a gift. The door, which was still holding back these potent energies, is opening! The waterfall of cosmic energies will be coming down, allow us to experience the cellular transformation, affecting our DNA, physical dimension and our whole being. The bridges to the old consciousness are being burned for ever.
Allow the energies of the Divine Portal to come down to the Earth through your sacred being.

Use this moment to transform your life because this year is very generous with giving us sacred nights! The second sacred night is the 11th of November 2011, when we will have a chance to allow – through water – energies of the Divine Portal to enter into our consciousness.
When we expose water to certain vibrations, the water crystals change their structure accordingly. That’s why we want to activate the water in our bodies in the ritual of drinking water, crystalized in the process of playing the quartz crystal bowls.
Water, exposed to word “LOVE”, formed this crystal (work of Masaru Emoto).
Gongs, quartz singing bowls, and voice of the SOUND OF WHOLENESS team with master healer Shanti, invite you to walk with us on the Path of Sound of Wholeness. The sound of gongs and quartz crystal bowls filled with water, will lead you to new dimensions, where the sense of space and time simply disappear, where you travel your own journey on the rainbow spiral of sacred sound.

Due to limited places please book your place now replying to this email or sending a sms to 638304867 with your name and number of persons that want to participate.
Questions? Call me!  6383 048 67