Hey people, sorry it’s been a while. The summer term has gone swimmingly and I’ve been kept busyingly busy!. Classes were sometimes full to overflowing, sometimes empty to the point of silence. But, the 90-days of consecutive classes is drawing to an end. And, of course, I have got my fingers in the pot, planning for next term.
Firstly, I am going to take a few days off teaching. Last class is this Friday, 1-Sept-2017. Then, until Tuesday 12-Sept-2017, rien de rien.
From 12-Sept-2017, I will offer a five-days-per-week teaching schedule. No class Sunday or Monday, but every other day, yes. Start time is 9:30, pricing model remains the same: 7€ first class, 6€ the second one in the same week, 5€ for the third and so on. Weekly cost for all five classes is 25€, and there is no monthly fee.
So, I hope to see you there. Not for me, but for you. Yoga has special, magic powers and my most sincere wish is that everyone reading this could feel that blissfulness at least once. No, yoga won’t change the world: only activism and engagement can do that. But yoga can change your inner world and that might be a good starting point. Om.